Universal La escritura: Mantenimiento de la escritura

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SKU: 758 Categories: , Item #758ISBN: 978-1-883421-97-7

Recommended for Grade 6

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  1. Receive FREE access to AlphamationPlus, our online handwriting instruction tool, when you purchase 15 or more copies of this book.
  2. Save $30 on the Universal La escritura: Edicion del maestro (Mantenimiento de la escritura) when you purchase 10 or more copies of this book.

Universal La escritura: Mantenimiento de la escritura for Grade 6 provides older students with a thorough review of cursive handwriting:

  • A complete review of cursive basic strokes and elements of legibility makes this book appropriate for students new to cursive writing as well as those with previous experience
  • Extended cursive writing activities help students improve their writing speed and fluency 
  • Word and sentence practice reinforces learning in other subject areas


  • Full-color
  • 80 pages
  • 8 1/2″ x 11″
  • 5/16″ standard writing lines

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