Universal Handwriting: Handwriting Maintenance

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SKU: 22-158 Categories: , Item #22-158ISBN: 978-1-883421-30-4

Recommended for Grade 6

This complete review of cursive writing – from basic strokes and joinings to writing paragraphs – is appropriate for students new to cursive writing as well as those with previous experience.

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If you purchase 10 copies, you will receive a discount on the teacher edition.

Universal Handwriting: Handwriting Maintenance for Grade 6 provides older students with a thorough review of cursive handwriting:

  • A complete review of cursive basic strokes and elements of legibility makes this book appropriate for students new to cursive writing as well as those with previous experience
  • Extended cursive writing activities help students improve their writing speed and fluency
  • Word and sentence practice reinforces learning in other subject areas

Special Offers:

  1. Save $30 on the Universal Handwriting: Handwriting Maintenance Teacher Edition when you purchase 10 or more copies of this book.
  2. Receive FREE access to AlphamationPlus, our online handwriting instruction tool, when you purchase 15 or more copies of this book.
  • Full-color
  • 80 pages
  • 8 1/2″ x 11”
  • 5/16″ writing lines

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