Writing Our Catholic Faith Grade K (Beginning Manuscript Writing)

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SKU: 601 Categories: , , Item #601ISBN: 978-1-931181-78-5

Recommended for Kindergarten

This book builds on previously learned skills to help students continue to develop manuscript handwriting. Students trace and write manuscript basic strokes, uppercase and lowercase letters, and numerals. Traceable words and sentences reinforce proper letter formation, letter and word spacing, and Catholic lessons.

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Writing Our Catholic Faith: Beginning Manuscript Writing for Kindergarten builds on previously learned skills to help students continue to develop manuscript handwriting:

  • Students trace and write manuscript basic strokes, uppercase and lowercase letters, and numerals
  • Traceable words and sentences reinforce proper letter formation, letter and word spacing, and Catholic lessons
  • Beautiful Catholic pictures and fun activities keep students engaged in each lesson

Special Offer:

Receive FREE access to AlphamationPlus, our online handwriting instruction tool, when you purchase 15 or more copies of this book.

  • 80 pages
  • 11″ x 8 1/2″
  • 3/4″ writing lines with midline and descender space

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