Writing Our Catholic Faith Grade 1 (Manuscript Writing)

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SKU: 602 Categories: , , Item #602ISBN: 978-1-931181-79-2

Recommended for Grade 1

Catholic words, sentences, and pictures reinforce students’ faith while they practice manuscript handwriting in this workbook for first grade.

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Writing Our Catholic Faith for Grade 1 provides students with review and practice to reinforce proper manuscript handwriting skills:

  • Catholic words, sentences, and pictures reinforce students’ faith while they practice their handwriting
  • Students trace and write manuscript basic strokes, letters, and numerals
  • Word and sentence models encourage proper letter and word spacing

Special Offers:

Receive FREE access to AlphamationPlus, our online handwriting instruction tool, when you purchase 10 or more copies of this book.

  • 96 pages
  • 11″ x 8 1/2″
  • 1/2″ writing lines with midline and descender space

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