Writing for Learning: Beginning Cursive Writing

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SKU: 455 Categories: , Item #455ISBN: 978-1-934732-61-8

Recommended for Grade 3

This handwriting book provides a detailed introduction to cursive basic strokes, letters, joinings, and numerals.

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Writing for Learning: Beginning Cursive Writing for third grade provides students with a detailed introduction to cursive basic strokes, letters, joinings, and numerals.

  • Students trace and write basic strokes, letters, joinings, and numerals.
  • Cursive word and sentence models help students learn proper spacing.
  • Every lowercase cursive letter page includes joining models to help students learn how to connect letters properly.
  • Check-ups encourage students to self-evaluate their work so they can recognize and immediately correct errors.
  • 80 pages
  • 11” x 8 ½”
  • 3/8” writing lines with midline and descender space 

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