Universal Handwriting: Mastering Cursive Writing
Recommended for Grade 5
Students review and practice proper cursive letter formation. Word and sentence models reinforce spacing.
If you purchase 10 copies, you will receive a discount on the teacher edition.
Universal Handwriting: Mastering Cursive Writing for Grade 5 helps your students refine their cursive handwriting skills with each lesson:
- Students review the cursive basic strokes, letters, joinings, and numerals
- Extended cursive writing activities help students improve their writing speed and fluency
- Detailed stroke descriptions help students understand proper letter formation
Special Offers:
- Save $30 on the Universal Handwriting: Mastering Cursive Teacher Edition when you purchase 10 or more copies of this book.
- Receive FREE access to AlphamationPlus, our online handwriting instruction tool, when you purchase 15 or more copies of this book.
- Full-color
- 80 pages
- 8 1/2″ x 11”
- 3/8″ writing lines with midline guide