Handwriting Teacher’s Manual
This Handwriting Teacher’s Manual is now offered exclusively online as a digital book FREE with qualifying handwriting book orders (see below).
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This manual is to be used in conjunction with the Writing for Learning and Writing Our Catholic Faith handwriting series. It covers all handwriting instruction for grades PK-8.
Receive this manual FREE! New customers placing orders of 15 or more of the same handwriting book from the aforementioned series are eligible to receive this book FREE in digital format.
Learn three easy steps to teaching handwriting! This teacher’s manual includes helpful examples and full stroke descriptions for all manuscript and cursive letters and numbers. Topics include:
Three steps to teaching letterforms
- Manuscript & cursive alphabets
- Manuscript & cursive stroke descriptions
- Manuscript & cursive elements of legibility
- Pencil & paper positions
- Learning & teaching styles
- Weekly lesson plans
- Special send-home sheets
- Blackline masters of all writing lines
- Teaching left-handers
40 Pages
8½” x 11″