Kindness Activities | Free Printables

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The below kindness free printables help students explore the importance of being kind and helping others. Bonus: Age-appropriate writing lines reinforce good handwriting!

Special Dates Dedicated to Kindness:

  • Random Acts of Kindness Day: February 17
  • Random Acts of Kindness Week: February 14-20
  • World Kindness Day: November 13


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Kindness Printables Pack

Fill in the form to receive ALL of the below kindness printables!

Activities include two word searches, two draw-and-write templates, and kindness questions to answer.

Kindness Word Search & Trace

Students find the kindness words, then trace the words below.

Recommended for grades pre-k and kindergarten.

Kindness Word Search

Students find the kindness words. (Answer key included on page 2.)

Recommended for grades 1-4.

Kindness Draw & Write (3/4″ Lines)

Students draw a picture of something they can do to be kind, then write about their picture.

Recommended for grades pre-k and kindergarten.

Kindness Draw & Write (1/2″ Lines)

Students draw a picture of something they can do to be kind, then write about their picture.

Recommended for grades 1-4.

Kindness Questions

Students share what they can do to be kind at home, at school, and in their communities.

Recommended for grades 1-4.

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