Resource Center

free resources to reinforce handwriting

Free Printables

From handwriting paper and graphic organizers to coloring pages and mazes, we have a variety of free printables for your students to enjoy.

Resource-Center-Free-Printables Resource Center

Benefits-of-Writing-by-Hand Resource Center


Handwriting plays a key role in literacy and learning. In our blog, we share key research, strategies to help make handwriting instruction simple and fun, and activities for reinforcing handwriting development.


Download our ebooks to learn more about handwriting instruction.

Ebook-Covers Resource Center

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Quick Activities

Explore quick activities for home and in the classroom! These activities are easy to implement and reinforce handwriting, literacy, and learning.


Author and master penman Tom Wasylyk presents handwriting instruction topics.

Tom-Wasylyk-at-Chalkboard Resource Center